Fundacja Społeczno-Kulturalna
Euro-Idea Fundacja Społeczno-Kulturalna from Cracow, Poland is an NGO born with the pro-European spirit and it is working since 2010 in the field of culture, adult education and VET.
The foundation is a member of local and international networks and is cooperating with several international and regional organisations.
The main foundation targets are:
• Develop educational activities among adults and youth;
• Promote innovation in education for adults and new skills development;
• Develop opportunities for local and international cooperation between local authorities, institutions, business and educational systems;
• Sustain disadvantaged groups.
Euro-Idea achieves targets by participation and development of training courses, workshops, events, study visits, cultural exchanges, information points, awareness campaigns.
Krakow, Poland
E-mail: euroidea.fsk@gmail.com
Web: www.euroidea.wordpress.com